Thursday, February 01, 2007

In the Beginning....

Welcome to my 365 Photo Project for 2007. I have a friend (hello Kendra) who is part of a group that is doing a "Photo-a-day" project and I thought it was a cool idea. I heard about it a bit too late to start on New Years. At one time in the distant past of my youth, I was wanting to be a professional photographer, and I still love taking pictures now. So I thought this was a cool idea.

So anyway, I was talking to Heather the other day and we thought it'd be a cool idea to do our own. So hence this site. Her site is here. In our planning for this, KC and Jenn thought it was a neat idea and they are going to join us. Maybe we'll get others as well. We'll see what happens.

Now, the "rules".
  1. Take & post at least one photo a day for a 365 days (that's a full year kiddies).
  2. One picture a week has to be a self-portrait of some kind.
  3. Have fun and be creative.
Heather and KC have set up further rules or restrictions like one has to be of their daughter, one can be an animal, one can be a stuffed animal or toy, etc. I am not going to put those restrictions on me right now, but I will try to follow them nonetheless. I can see a whole series of "Where's Spud?" pictures.

Well, I guess it's February 1st, so I need to go out and get my first picture taken. I hope you like it. I'd love to hear any comments on anything I've taken. We'll see what 2007 has in store for us.

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