Thursday, February 22, 2007

#22 - "Son"set

We were driving down the highway tonight and I thought the sunset was particularly pretty so I wanted to get a picture of it. All I had was my phone and I was driving, so Conner asked to take the picture. So the picture above is what he took, I like it the best. I think he did a pretty good job. I like that it's tilted a little bit. Not bad.

[Ed. Note: It wasn't until the next day did I see that Jenn took a picture of the same sunset. This is twice we've done the same picture on the same day.]

Well, to be official and all for this project, I have to post something that I took. Although I took some sunsets as well, I decided to post this one of Conner being.... well Conner. He likes to make faces for the camera, for me, for friends, for Jack, for...... just about anytime.

1 comment:

Jennwynn said...

It *was* a gorgeous sunset...

And it's even tilted the same way that mine is. Scary! :)